Tag Archive | Quotes for living

Something to think about

I ran across a few quotes recently while reading Whole Living Magazine. They were not signed, so I don’t know who to give credit to. I hope you can relate to them as much as I have. Figured I would share with everyone.

“Sometimes the loneliest moments are the ones that show you just how strong you are.”

“Rather than battle your emotions, make them your allies. They hold the secret to what drives you–and what scares you.”

“Happiness is a fickle houseguest; she shows up at surprising times, and when she leaves, you know she’ll be back.”

“Treat an apology like a gift. Accept it without peaking at the price tag.”

“You achieve balance not by pushing your body, but by following it’s lead.”

And finally, a new favorite . . . . .

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. “